Accountable for God’s Gifts

Jesus taught His disciples that He would give gifts to use in service to the Kingdom. The Parable of the Talents in Matthew 25 describes how Jesus would give his servants money to invest over time. He will “settle accounts” (vs. 19). I don’t know about you, but I want Jesus to tell me, “Well done, good and faithful servant…” Have you ever asked yourself, “what did He give me?” The easy answer is, Jesus has given us the Holy Spirit, faith, time, and equipping for His calling. There is more to consider!

Families are a Gift:

The Word tells us children are a gift of God. Our clients are not looking at them in this light. I would venture to suggest a lot of Christians are not thinking of children as a gift as well. They are designed by God, given a soul and a will. God has placed a value on our lives above all creation. PCC’s mission is to help our clients see their children in the womb as valued by God, and worthy of protection. Jesus will settle accounts with us for what we did with our spouse and children. Did we raise and nurture them in righteousness and the fear of the Lord, or did we kill them out of fear and selfishness in this life? Jesus will also settle accounts with His disciples on what we did for the voiceless children, and their mother. “Deliver those who are drawn toward death, and hold back those stumbling to the slaughter. If you say, “surely we did not know this,” Does not He who weighs the hearts consider it? He who keeps your soul, does He not know it? And will He not render to each man according to his deeds? – Proverbs 24:11-12 No not only will the parents be responsible for the gift of children, but Jesus will hold us to account for defenseless children in the womb as well! Thank God we can answer Jesus with our investment in protecting the unborn and supporting vulnerable people with hope, and the love of Jesus through PCC!

Our Finances are a Gift:

God has blessed each of us where we live. It is an enormous blessing to live in San Diego, and He meets our needs to be His light here. PCC is a missionary to this region, so the same is true for us. But that is not without challenges! San Diego experienced 5.5 % inflation in 2023, all our expenses increased. Our income for the year only rose by 3%. This meant we had to be creative and cut the expense budget to compensate. You should know in the last two weeks in December, we finished our 2023 financial year in the black. God provided every penny we would need, which means you responded by investing in our mission. We face more inflation on the horizon. To make matters worse, California has mandated healthcare employers to increase minimum wages by 56%! PCC’s Board of Directors have carefully prepared our budget to account for these increases. We are confident God will equip us with all we need to accomplish His mission!

Our Positions of Influence are a Gift:

We have been given a platform of influence to defend our work of saving the unborn. Last year California and smaller governments began targeting Pregnancy Centers to silence us. Attorney General Rob Bonta sued three pregnancy centers that were advertising abortion pill reversal services. Those centers are defended by the Thomas Moore Society. This lifesaving service uses a natural hormone produced by pregnant women to counter Mifepristone that causes the placenta to separate and starve the child. It is not dangerous. A 2018 study[1] of 754 women that used abortion pill reversal found 68% carried their child to term with “no apparent increased risk of birth defects.” Our Board set a five year plan in 2022 to include offering abortion pill reversal. We have had to hold back on those plans because of California’s actions. As a result, PCC is considering joining our legal options. No woman should be forced to carry out an abortion she no longer wants. California cannot silence our First Amendment Rights to advertise a service, and they cannot interfere with a physician’s judgment.

In November and December, San Diego County Supervisor Terra Remer proposed the use of County funds to pursue legal actions that would close down Pregnancy Centers. PCC sounded the alarm. Hundreds of you called her office, wrote letters, left comments, and showed up in person to defend us. Supervisor Remer pulled her proposal and we have not seen it come back. You made a difference and we learned Supervisor Remer’s decision was influenced by you. She told us her agenda was pulled because, “|She| was doing the will of the people.”

God will show us where we need to invest our gifts. And He is faithful to provide all the gifts we need. PCC is willing, and we are thankful you are willing also! Will you help us provide life affirming alternatives? Learn how you can support our mission.

[1] G. Delgado, G., et. al., (2018)A case series detailing the successful reversal of the effects of mifepristone using progesterone. Issues in Law & Medicine, 33(1), 21-31